I'm sorry - that was a completely miseading title, wasn't it? I'm a firm believer in paraphrasing sappy ass songs, and that is one of my personal bests. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to sing the rest of it to you - it's somewhat blue (somewhat - ahahahahaha!), and I was actually going somewhere else with this post.
It's hard to believe how fast time goes by. It was only last week, it seems, that I was holding my first born, freaking out over the immense responsibility I had taken on.

And now, in the blink of an eye or two, it's 11 years later, and my little Professor is on his way to teendom. What the hell happened? I haven't gotten any older, how did he?

At any rate, he's still one of my very favorite people in the whole wide world, and not just because he lets me ramble on and on about the English Reformation and the Birth of Piracy in the New World ("I could just listen to you talk forever, Mom") What a delightful suck-up!
Happy Birthday Professor! (singing, "and many moooore!")
Look at you two! So beautiful, then and now. Happy, happy birthday, dude!
Unrelated: is that hamburger or cookies up there under your profile? I'm confuuuuused.
Happy Birthday, Professor! You gotta good mom and I'll bet you'll have a big day today.
don't blink, honey. Just don't blink.
Happy B-day Little Professor!!!!
Happy Birthday Professor! It has been a joy and privlege watching you grow up into the wonderful, amazingly bright, funny, and talented kid you are. I love you - Bea.
ps.. be on the lookout for the quintessential birthday cake coming soon to a dining room near you! ;)~
"And now, in the blink of an eye or two, it's 11 years later, and my little Professor is on his way to teendom. What the hell happened? I haven't gotten any older, how did he?"
Happy birthday Professor!
Hang in there Mom! Hang in there!
Why does this keep happening? They keep growing and changing and leaving. I don't get it.
See? If you had just strapped that brick to his head way back when...
Happy birthday future Emperor of the World, and here's lookin' at you kid!
Happy Birthday oh exhalted one (Im getting a leg up on the suckin up stuff since he's going to be emperor and all).
Make it the best, from yur cuzins up here in Ohio!!
Wow.. what nice pictures! Happy birthday to the Professor! :)
OK, fine, I'll put the book back down for one more minute:
I love your mama!
Hee. You captured the look of tween pre-angst there perfectly. :)
I was a little freaked that your boobs had corners....
"I could just listen to you talk forever, Mom"
This is priceless! Happy birthday, not-so-little one . . .
Happy birthday to you both*
I don't think my boobs have corners... yet. ;)
Happy birthday, kid!
I know exactly what you mean. With the possible exception of being unable to perform gymnastics I am exactly the same as the day I had her 13 years ago. Come to think of it I couldn't do gymnastics then either. Hope you all had a Happy Birthday!
Our first year went remarkably quick and I imagine they don't slow down! Happy Birthday to your boy!
I like using song lyrics as titles too.
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