Friday, November 23, 2007

Incriminating Evidence

The Turkey gets dropped in the fryer by my talented brother-in-law, who always shows a knack for accessories.

Vulcan finger gestures from my nephew:

The boys had fun and stayed out of the way with this groovy rope swing.

Our lovely hostess begins to crack under pressure (though she never blew, which really is amazing!)

Dinner is served!

Bea and me!

more of the motley crue - my nephews and my future niece-in-law

The Big Gorilla Man poses for the camera

Hope everyone had a great holiday, surrounded by loved ones.


flutter said...

there are the beauties I was hoping to see! Looks like you guys had a wonderful day

VelveetaWingnut said...

Good On Ya Mate!!!

Looks like everyone had a blast and no one killed anybody in the process...YAY!!!!